LoRa Based Friendly Drone Tracker

Home LoRa Based Friendly Drone Tracker

LoRa Based Friendly Drone Tracker


  • Integrated with LoRa sensor
  • Light weight of 150 grams
  • Transmit power of 20dBm and range of more than 2km
  • Integrated GPS module

Working Principle

  • LoRa tracker will be mounted on the “Friendly UAV”, which communicates constantly with LoRa transceiver connected to "Central Control Console"
  • GPS module integrated with the LoRa tracker provides location information of the “Friendly UAV”
  • Hasati "Central Control Console" gets the location of “Friendly UAV” from LoRa gateway
  • "Central Control Console" displays “Friendly UAVs” as green dots
  • Friendly UAVs need to be moved to different location to prevent from being jammed